all about rubberocket

who is this aleph diallo guy?

That Aleph Diallo guy is me. Enough said.

what the hell is a rubberocket?

The name rubberocket originates from one of the many ideas for a company name I had: Rubber Rocket. I would've called my username that if wasn't on sale for a bazillion dollars.

when was this site first created?

I bought the domain on my birthday: 2023/10/23. However, the site was on the back burner before that. Trust me.

where is this site hosted?

Do you have to know?

Why did you make this site?

I found out about the joy of making websites using Wix. Here's an example. I then graduated to making sites without the constraints of Wix.

How do I contact you?

Email me here!

get permalink | changelog | stuff i use

Rubberocket: Yet another website. Debian Nedscape! You know, it's funny because Netscape... Ned Flanders... Ned scape. Neocities View this site at a resolution of 800x600 or higher Your ad here.